Success Stories
Amanda lost 38bs with
the Options Diet System

Amanda’s Story
It is about continuously making great choices and working with my counselor has really enabled me to know what good choices are.
And I think that’s a huge statement about Options that the one thing, as a grown adult in my lifetime, I never truly learned how to eat appropriately. And that’s the one thing my counselor taught me to do.
I think that lack of being judged is what makes me absolutely love her and, you know, it’s always about, “Hey, this is a journey, we’re going to do it, and if we didn’t get it this week that’s OK, because next week’s going to be a brand-new start!”.
As I’m being supported by the staff I think, that journey is going to be so much easier than I ever thought it could be. Because there was a time where you’re like, “Well, I can’t do this, and you can’t do this on your own.”. So, I really do feel that this has made a positive change in my life, and it has helped me, and if you can help me, it can help anybody. That’s how I look at it.
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