A common word you hear when trying to lose weight – metabolism. Is it important? Slow or fast? These are all questions we ask ourselves when we don’t necessarily know much about metabolism.

Options Medical Weight Loss, Park Ridge, IL, is going to break down everything you need to know about metabolism.


What is metabolism?

Metabolism is a chemical process that converts our food into energy to maintain life. It is a complex system, but it determines how quickly and efficiently your body burns calories and how much you can eat in a day without adding on weight. There is a lot to be said when it comes to metabolism. One this is for sure, becoming a stronger, healthier you will provide you with good health, and improved mood and help you lose weight.


Changes with Age

Aging ultimately slows your metabolism down. This can be because of you not being as active as you once were or from having less muscle mass.

If you consume more calories than your body is burning daily, you may gain weight from a slow metabolism. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle as you age, your metabolism can keep you healthy and stop the excess weight from creeping up on you.


Stay Active

It’s important to stay active throughout your life. Exercise can look different for everyone too.

If you increase your daily activity, your metabolism may also increase, the meaning becomes faster.

There are many ways to stay active without working out in a gym. Including:

  • Walking
  • Hiking
  • Rollerblading
  • Swimming
  • Running

Doing small activities like walking your dog, can increase your exercise daily and help your healthy lifestyle.


Muscles vs. Fat

It’s easy to believe that you have a higher metabolism if you are thin, but this isn’t always the case. Someone larger requires more energy thus burns more calories than a smaller person. However, if you have more muscle mass in your body, you have a faster metabolism.

A pound of muscle burns seven to 10 calories a day, while fat burns just two or three.


Food and Metabolism

Eating habits affect you. Although fasting seems like a great way to increase your metabolism, this isn’t always true. What is really important is establishing healthy eating habits and being aware of how many calories you’re intaking a day.

Another great way to increase is by adding more protein to your diet. Your body needs amino acids to stay functional, which protein provides.


Everyone is Different

Your age, activity level, genetics – all play a role in our metabolism. With healthy eating habits, staying active, and getting enough sleep, you can sustain a healthy life.

Options Medical Weight Loss, Park Ridge, is here to offer you help with your diet and weight loss journey. If you feel stuck and need some medical advice, visit our website for a free consultation.