Obesity, a disease recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), is not merely an issue of excess weight; it’s a complex health condition with far-reaching implications. Obesity Care Week is March 4-8, focusing on open discussions on obesity and its impact. Options Medical Weight Loss is focused on reducing the year-over-year growth of obesity by offering life-changing medical weight loss programs. In 10 years, over 50,000 patients have been supported and guided through unique weight loss experiences with the average patient losing 17% of their body weight and significantly changing their body composition by increasing their muscle-to-fat ratio in 6 months of treatment.

Let’s dive deeper into what obesity truly entails:

Defining Obesity:

Obesity is defined as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that poses health risks. While Body Mass Index (BMI) is commonly used to gauge obesity, incorporating measures like waist and height ratios can provide a more comprehensive assessment. Obesity is a major medical condition afflicting 42% of the adult US population as of the most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the National Institute of Health (NIH). This segment of the population grew from an already concerning 30% in 1999. According to the NIH, 73% of American adults are considered obese or overweight.

Causes of Obesity:

Many factors contribute to an individual’s weight.  The multitude of factors can include biology, mental health, genetics, environment, healthcare accessibility, and the availability of highly processed foods. Contrary to common belief, it’s not solely due to lack of willpower.

Health Risks:

Those living with obesity face heightened risks of developing chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. Additionally, obesity serves as a risk factor for complications related to diseases like Covid-19. Dr. Katrina Mattingly, Chief Medical Officer at Options Medical Weight Loss is a dual board-certified physician in obesity medicine and emergency medicine.  In this video, she discusses the link between weight and emergency care.

Beyond Diet and Exercise:

The simplistic mantra of “eating less, moving more” oversimplifies the complexities of obesity. While physical activity is crucial for overall health, it alone isn’t an effective treatment for obesity. Comprehensive interventions are necessary. Addressing obesity requires understanding these multifaceted determinants. In this video, Dr. Mattingly discusses how to lose weight safely and sustainably.

Weight Stigma:

Weight stigma, prevalent in many societies, places blame on individuals for their obesity. This harmful mindset not only affects mental and physical well-being but also deters people from seeking medical help. Dr. Mattingly discusses how weight can impact medical care in this video.

Focus on Health:

Treating obesity goes beyond achieving a certain weight; it’s about enhancing overall health. Managing obesity effectively will impact nearly every area of health. A vital impact can be had on heart health. Read more on the impact of weight on heart health.

Childhood Obesity:

Childhood obesity rates are skyrocketing, posing serious health and societal implications. Early intervention and education are crucial in preventing long-term health consequences. Dr. Mattingly shares wisdom on how obesity can impact children in this video.

In conclusion, combatting obesity requires a holistic approach that considers its multifactorial nature and prioritizes health over mere weight loss. Options Medical Weight Loss offers non-surgical medical weight loss solutions that are safe, effective, and affordable. Prescription and non-prescription treatment plans are designed by board-certified obesity medicine physicians to provide long-term weight loss solutions through comprehensive support and wellness initiatives.