Success Stories
Melea lost 33.1lbs with the Options Diet System

Melea’s Story
My Options journey started during Fall of 2019 when I just had my son. I’m a mom of two, and I was really not feeling confident with my body. I never lost my baby weight from my first child, so I was looking online for weight loss clinics. I saw a lot of patient testimonials from previous clients at Options, so I was really impressed and gave it a try. I’m really happy that I did because I’ve lost over 30 pounds over the last year and learned a lot about my body. I feel like I’ve gotten my confidence back, and I’m wearing clothes that I saved from 10 years ago. I’m really happy that online I’m now posting full body photos. I would only post from the chest up because I wasn’t feeling very secure in my body. The confidence definitely shows now.
What I love about the Options team is that everyone’s very friendly. I bring my kids to the appointments every single week, and everyone’s very accommodating and understanding about that. I’m always encouraged, and the staff will tell me I look great or notice my progress, which I really appreciate. My counselor is Maddie, who works in the South Loop. She is phenomenal, and just really friendly. I would consider her a friend; that’s how she treats me and makes me feel. She’s very encouraging even when I have setbacks and she’s great with recommending recipes. I tend to be stuck in a rut when it comes to food, so she gives me great ideas and helps me with individual goals every week.
One of my favorite memories at Options was when I lost my first 10 pounds, and I got to hold what 10 pounds of fat feels like in my hands. That was mind blowing to me, because you don’t know what that feels like when it is in your body. Holding that weight inspired me to keep going in my weight loss journey. I’d continue to lose 10 more pounds and 10 more pounds after that. My first impression of Options was that everyone was very professional. Everything looked very clean and everyone was very helpful. I didn’t feel judged, which was something that I was worried about going into a weight loss experience. As soon as I met the people at Options, that fear went away.
Options has changed my life because, for one, I’m more confident in who I am as a person. Also, I feel like I know so much more about my body. Options has been great with educating me about why my body reacts a certain way when I eat certain foods or work out. I feel like I can walk away knowing that I can be healthy and do it on my own. I also learned that it’s okay to mess up sometimes because the next day you can just get right back on track
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