Success Stories
Trevor lost 55lbs with the Options Diet System

Trevor’s Story
I started going to Options in the middle of May, right during the COVID-19 pandemic. I just wanted to explore what my options were quite literally. After meeting with the staff at the South Loop location, I figured out that this was a great choice for me. I started two days later, and I was in the program for three and a half months. My first impressions when I came to Options was how supportive and welcoming everyone was. They were there to ensure that I was successful, and that was something that I really needed.
At the South Loop clinic, I worked with Maddie as my weight loss counselor. She really understood my needs and my cravings and how to curb those. She made sure that I was comfortable throughout the whole journey, and would even text me to check in on me. We would have conversations via the phone. Sometimes I needed to check in on if foods were okay with the diet, and she would always give me good recipe ideas.
The Options Diet System changed my lifelong eating habits a lot. It allowed me to curb my cravings while still enjoying the food that I was eating. It allowed me to become more responsible for how I was eating and not just consuming anything that was in front of me. I also took the lipotropic fat burners, which I liked, as it gave me a huge boost of energy throughout the day. Since you do them about twice a week, that energy continues on throughout the week. It’s not just one shot and you’re done; the energy continues through the week and you can definitely see a difference.
Options has changed my life simply by making me healthier. When I’m out with friends, I’m able to make healthier decisions while also allowing me to be my active self that I wasn’t able to be at the end of 2019. I would say that after coming to Options, I’ve become a lot happier with how I look physically and how I feel internally. It’s definitely helped grow my self-confidence and made me a better person.
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