Marisol lost 26lbs and 12.5% of total body fat in 90 days

My name is Marisol. I am 37 years old. Ever since I can remember I have always struggled with my weight. It has always been a major weakness for me. I had always been the chubby one or the fatter one. One of the saddest memories I have is when I was in kindergarten and all the students had to take a picture and sit on this small yellow chair and all I can remember is that it was very hard to fit in that chair. That’s when I realized I was different than the other kids. That has really always stayed in my mind, but in no way did it stop me from eating. I remember some of my family members would also pick on me. By the time I had my second child I was 22 years old and I was weighing in at 219 pounds.

I do not know how all that weight crept up on me and how I had let myself get to that point. I had tried all sorts of diets cleanses, diet pills, diet drinks, teas, extreme workouts you name it I tried it and spend thousands of dollars hoping for a miracle I guess. I was really tired of walking up 10 stairs and feeling out of breath and the pain in my knees was getting unbearable. Until one day while on Face Book I saw an ad Options Medical weight loss and decided to look into it. I was skeptical at first because I thought to myself here we go again. To my surprise it was the best decision of my life. I of course went in for a free consultation and did not think anything of it since I had tried other diets in the past, but something felt different it just felt right. Kaytee explained everything so well I knew that I had to take a chance on myself and commit to myself that I could do this. 12 weeks later I was down 26 pounds and feeling better than ever.

WOW I did this!! Thanks to Kasia my counselor who has been a great support through my entire journey and encourages me every time I see her. Also my family who have also been a great support not letting me quit and pushing me every day. This is only the beginning. Thank you Options and all the wonderful staff for helping me get my life back on track.