Experiencing Setbacks

Experiencing Setbacks

Setbacks happen to all of us as we embark on our weight loss journeys. However despite it happening to everyone, seeing that backward step can crush spirits and leave you feeling very negative about yourself. We tend to hold ourselves to high standards that are...
Stretching – It’s Important!

Stretching – It’s Important!

When you think of stretching, the first thing that comes to mind is loosening up your muscles before a workout. Maybe, you even think of it as just yoga. Believe it or not, stretching is an important factor in weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Stretching is a form...
Coping With Emotional Eating Triggers

Coping With Emotional Eating Triggers

When times are stressful it can be easy to turn to food for comfort. This isn’t always a bad thing, but it can spiral into a habit if you’re not careful. So what’s the best way to resist these urges? Thankfully we have steps you can take to avoid giving into cravings....
Stress And Weight Loss Plateus

Stress And Weight Loss Plateus

It can be extremely frustrating to plateau on a weight loss journey. You may be doing everything right and the weight just isn’t coming off! One of the largest overlooked culprits to the reason the scale isn’t moving much is stress. Here is the how and why this...